Along the Way, Blog, Life's Concern, Workplace

Unveiling Life’s Turbulence: Navigating the Frictions Within

I embody the turbulence of a hurricane, an emblem of the chaos that swirls around me beyond my influence. The external forces batter me relentlessly, leaving me grappling with the tempest of life. Yet, paradoxically, there’s an odd satisfaction in surrendering to the storm, especially when I immerse myself in podcasts that candidly explore the truths of my existence.

A pivotal event cast a shadow over me, fostering feelings of demoralization and self-deprecation. This experience robbed me of my grasp on life, making the weekly routine an arduous journey. As I pen down these words, the struggle persists, a constant companion in my daily existence.

During a recent episode of the Mel Robbins Podcast, a profound insight struck me: the importance of identifying the friction in one’s life. This revelation prompted me to reflect on a recent incident at work. A routing slip, bearing the signature of the officer-in-charge, redirected my request once again, setting off a cascade of frustration. In those moments, I acknowledged a recurring pattern – whenever this topic resurfaces, I’m enveloped in a bittersweet symphony of emotions. The underlying anger, a potent undercurrent, threatens to spill over in my reactions. It dawned on me that I am powerless in dictating how others respond to my appeals.

If only I could articulate the silent plea within me – a desperate cry for respite from the suffering and the ache that permeate my being. I yearn for a brief hiatus, an opportunity to mend the shattered fragments of myself within the confines of my workplace.

Blog, Life's Concern

My Lost Soul in Christmas

December 1, 2012 up to this date, I never feel that Christmas is coming

Thinking that Christmas is just for little kids at home. On that particular date, I lost my first unborn child. I never get enough of it until I’ve found out that Christmas season will never be same.

I am so happy to see couples who are trying their best to make this season happy for their little kids. I am so happy for them but not for myself. I am close to celebrate every Christmas seasons, turning 6 years now. I don’t feel the drive to be happy. Am I bitter? “Absolutely yes” (I answered). But no, I am still happy to celebrate it with no further effort just me and my husband. We love kids but we are not blessed enough to have our own.

I am just posting this to express myself and not to encourage others to become bitter like me. There are so much things to be thankful.

  • Like having a stable budget to sustain our needs.
  • The job that I have even though I am starting to lose my drive to dedicate myself towards my duties. I love my remote job than my stable job because it brings my creativity.
  • I love my husband even though at times I am so pissed off him getting drunk.
  • I love my family who understand my introvert behavior and being outspoken if issues arise within us.
  • I love my colleagues at work, the only friends at work who tolerates my absences.
  • I love being me who move further and beyond my limits.

The process of overcoming my emotional and mental health is a true journey. Struggling to be okay even it is not. Nobody knows but I know, I have my own shadow to deal with. That is why being a lost soul in Christmas is not something about happiness but dealing with myself. Fighting to follow what’s my heart desire and not forcing myself to be someone not me.

A lost soul who is watching the Christmas season coming without a spark of happiness.

-Doodle Blogger
Along the Way

Smile to heal others

The blessings of simple life. Smile as long as you have teeth. It sounds like a joke but it helps you to connect with other people. I wrote this article while I am waiting to other commuters like me to fill in the tricycle going home.

The idea of smiling gives relief when people around you don’t feel better. Once you give your sincere smile, it has the power to bring happiness. Even though you don’t feel better, try to give yourself a smile while facing the mirror and see how it changes your feelings. People gets headturn every time they see someone is smiling at them and the most powerful smile came from a stranger. You give them the feeling of belongingness and humbleness. Suddenly, you feel full inside, something that is hard to describe because it makes you feel happy. And there is no other cure in someone’s sadness when you put a smile on your face and let them see it.

Life is boring without a smile that colors everyone’s day.
